
Some of you may have recognised: Scribtee not only looks a bit different now, it also hosts a second design contest. In cooperation with LG, producer of electronic goodness, Scribtee.com presents: The Life’s Good When Life’s Pink contest.  

Your task:

Send us a design that shows why/ when Life is Good. The slogan can be part of the design, but it doesn’t have to be. The other mandatory instruction: the colour pink has to appear in the design. Be it on a pink shirt or as a part of the drawing. The rest is up to you – it just should transport a good, positive, optimistic mood.

And for those who are not skilled at pens, Photoshop or Illustrator this time we can offer a way to participate to creative minds who are better at playing with words. The

Slogan contest

The topic is the same: It has to deal with a good life. Just enter some lines of text into the text box, format it with breaks, maybe press preview, and then submit it.

 The prizes:

As we teamed up here with a second host we both have a stake at rewarding the winners. That means great prizes:


1. Prize:
The brand new LG Design-Handy BL40 newchocolate available from mid-september, an additional $/ € 500 in cash and a $/ € 50 shopping voucher for Shirtcity.

2. Prize:
The LG Mini-Notebook X110, $ 300 cash and a $ 50 shopping voucher for Shirtcity.

3. Prize:
The LG Foto-Handy Renoir and a $ 50 shopping voucher for Shirtcity.

The prize for the slogan contest is :

The LG-Mini-Notebook X110 and a $ 50 shopping voucher for Shirtcity.

Choosing the winner:

As always, the votes and comments of the community play a decisive role in this. However they’re not the only criteria here, we also assembled a Jury who has the last word on this.

It comprises Salva Lopez (Shirtcity’s head of graphic design), Daniel Fett (LG’s marketing director), René Walter, Germany’s top blogger (Nerdcore, Spreeblick) and Roland Schweins (director of Styleranking.de)


We accept submissions until the 30th of September.


So you know what to do:

1. Be happy, 2. Have a great idea and make a Design about it, 3. Submit it, 4. Win, 5. Be even more happy.