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Wild Business

Wild Business

We have released a new tee shirt for your tee pleasure. It is called Wild Business and it is one for say … critics of capitalism. Lovers of good design. Tee maniacs. Women who always wanted to express what they think about the Alpha-male behaviour of business entrepreneurs, self-obsessed money makers, greedy speculators … or of course for men who think the same.

Wild Business was conceived by Jott (aka Tayo Gross) from Germany, the Designer who also created “All In Me“. If you’re interested you can learn more about him in our interview.


The wait is over: a new tee shirt is on store. “Think” is a fine shirt for the summer, the right one to wear in summer since it transports a certain Cuban/ holiday feel, and at the same time exudes a certain tranquility.

It was created by Jive from Italy – you can see more of his work at

Think” is now online at


OK, after the gold medals awarded yesterday we’d like to award a silver medal* to a shirt that we couldn’t leave unprinted. I love Zombies is a simple but nevertheless funny and awesome Design by well reputated Designer Mike Friedrich from our lovely hometown Berlin. As you can see from checking his site SixSixSix-Berlin he already did quite some magnificent apparel designs, so we are happy to have him joining the range of Scribtee Designers.

*The silver medal : The (OK, almost) monthly winners gain 500€ and a 50€ coupon. If there’s more than two designs in the race that absolutely need to be a mighty fine Scribtee, we have reserved the possibility to choose and print it after all and reward the Designers with 300€ and a 50€ coupon.


In the long time we run this must be the first winner to come from the British isles. “I wanna be a Spaceman” was handed in by Mark “Snewo” Jenkins.

I still like the idea of it a lot. Mark explained: “Came up with this design while thinking about how many people wanted to be something exciting when they grew up (like a spaceman) and ended up in a regular 9 to 5.”

This makes it the ideal shirt for people who have their feet on the ground but their heads in the clouds, or in that case, stars.

…  generally and especially tapes !


This is the second Scribtee by Jonas “JonEz!” Kakoschke, creator of the great Free Hugs T-Shirt. You can read an interview with him here.

A tribute to tapes. Now that we’re used to play mp3s when we’re out tapes have run out of uses – except for triggering this certain mixtape nostalgia and looking awesome on T-shirts.

Never stop playing” is in the shop now.


Dear readers, especially from non-German speaking countries, in case you do not know: Lulu & Jimi is a German film by director Oskasr Roehler that was in cinemas some months ago. Prior to the release a T-shirt design competetition for the film took place that was hosted by

This makes this winner a special winner – first because it ran in an own contest; second it was not only chosen by the community and us, but also by a jury that included the director himself; third its talented young designer DeeDeeKid not only ran off with the Grand prize of €500 but also with a brand new and shiny MacBook sponsored by Apple dealer Gravis.

I still have no idea if this film is ever made available to other countries and languages. What remains is a mighty fine T-shirt with lovable details (such as the poodle shapes in the ice cream) that works even without knowing that it captures the 50s-Rock’n’Roll-Bubblegum & Soda with a dark twist to it-spirit of the film perfectly.

Lulu & Jimi – Ice Cream Love is now availiable for purchase on an asphalt grey American Apparel shirt for ladies & gents.

While the interview questions for the blog occasionally have to cross the whole planet to reach their destinator (see Interview with RikkiB or Ninhol), this time they only went a few kilometers from one district of Berlin to another. Where Jonas Kakoschke a.k.a. JonEz!, the Designer of Scribtee’s latest release “Free Hugs” as well as the also victorious “Don’t Stop Playing” kindly gave us some insight about himself and his word. Let’s roll:
Hi, JonEz! Introduce yourself in a few words (and don’t forget to mention your website).
Hi Robert! First I’d like to give a big thanks to for that opportunity to show my shirts to such a big audience and to give that interview. I’m a student of communication design in berlin, where I live since November 2008. I’m very interested in all forms of design, especially the kind of urban communication, which is what shirtdesign means for me, as well as all other forms of creative ways to express oneself. It’s very important for my personal satisfaction, to be productive and creative everyday. … ah, yes, I almost forgot: SEE THAT ON 😀

Tell us a bit about your winning design. Where did you get the idea for “Free Hugs” from?

…to be honest.-) me and a friend of mine were on our way home from a party or just some clubs in berlin, very drunk, at something about 7 am, when i had that idea from that people with those posters “FREE HUGS”. And you know how it is, when you’re drunk – just talking crap without thinking about it, and I just said to my friend: “…hey, fuck that free hugs, dude – I got free fucks!“. We were laughing about that and some days later I made that design. That’s the whole story! .-)


Are you working as a full time graphic designer?

Yes, I would say so. As I told you, I’m studying communication design, but to make a living I work as a freelance graphic designer for various clients. But there are more ways I need to express myself, for example making music, or little video experiments (if someone’s interested, check or for example). Of course I like to meet friends and new people, go out, etc.

How would you describe your style?

I would say it’s always evolving. My style is not already finished or fixed – everyday I try new things and new styles and I like it that way. Basically I really like to mix analogue techniques with digital design.

What music is playing when you work on a design?

I can’t answer that so easily. It really depends on my mood, and what kind of design I have to create. Sometimes it’s conscious rap music, where I would say my musical roots are at, sometimes electro and sometimes just the Libertines or the White Stripes.


How much is hand work, how much is software?

How I said, I really like to mix both medias, but the finished product is always digital, which leads to analogue again – in the case of shirts.-)

Who are your favourite artists and where do you find inspiration?
I really love the work of blu, hellofreaks, cuypi and berlin design collectives like nepomuk, peachbeach and many more. I find my inspirations while going to exhibitions in berlin and working together with my fellow students.

Your opinion on Scribtee?
It’s a really great way for upcoming designers to express themselves in the public and find a big audience. What I really miss on, especially in comparison with other more famous contests, are constructive comments and partly more quality shirt designs. The problem is in itself – it’ll just have to become more famous, I think – that’s the answer! So to all readers: SPREAD THE WORD!! .-) Thanks a lot for the interview and keep straight going onandonandonandon…



Here we go: We closed another round of contest, and two victorious Designs emerged, straight to the waiting row.

Number one: Air when you need us! from JayWalker Graphics, USA.


Definitely! The future is green! Though some very conservative forces in some countries still cling on to their gas hogs, deep down we all know it’s time to move on from petrol consuming and greenhouse gas emitting tin cans. So may it be solar or hydrogen powered electrical cars or just vehicles you move with your muscles – one day the days of filling stations are counted. And then? Then we could see a company called “Airgo” taking over the obsolete stations, providing air for cyclists and selling fresh drinks…. The future will be on your shirt. Soon.


While it was easy to write this, I can’t think of much to say for “Think” from Jive. It’s just a peaceful scenery and the cigar smoker makes it very “cuban”. This will make a perfect shirt to wear at beach bars, Mojito parties and generally in summer. Yay, summer feelings …

So, congrats to Jive from Italy, congrats to JayWalker. They are both rewarded with the 500$ jackpot and wearable goodness of their choice.


And the third in our row of updates: This was a voter’s fav and we loved it too. Though I must say, here in Germany we don’t have too many people standing around waving “free hugs” signs. In fact, I have never seen one. (Update: there has actually been somebody in Hamburg trying to import this idea. Always google before you write something out of the blue). This idea could use some spreading anyway. However, you’ve got to admit: the idea of JonEz! also has something to it: Fuck Free Hugs! Got Free Fucks! There’s enough people who need nothing more urgent than to get laid…

Here’s another video that takes the idea to a new level – opening up a promising market niche …


Excellent Design work also at our second new design T-shirt in our store. This “muse” has nothing to do with the (nevertheless excellent) band, it refers to the goddess of art and inspiration and thus makes an excellent patron for a shirt design contest. Not only this, the design incorporating all kind of art utensils (musical instrument, letter, biro) is a homage to creativity itself. A very classical look combined with lovely details such as the mouse. It was created by Lukas “Artill” Bischoff.

The latest Tees



May 2024